The Last of Us, the Left Behind episode was bombarded with negative reviews for “waking up” –

left rearThe seventh episode of the series has been released. what’s left of uspassing bombardment of negative comments Considered “awakened” on Metacritic. Don’t mind the fact that it was taken from the game’s DLC, and Ellie’s sexual preferences have been known ever since.

This public judgment It still remains positive, given that it reached 6.4, but it’s hard to overlook the reasons for the many negative reviews, all of which reach almost the same conclusion as Mcgreen_21’s, who unflinchingly told us: “The whole series is full of pointless gay romance and avoid all the interesting stuff in the world. Like zombies, government and Ravens.”

Faxthtax review uses tons more severe: “It was promising in the beginning but they should have thrown out all the garbage that was evoked. It’s an apocalyptic story and with an LGBTQ agenda, it should be zero garbage and awaken justice in it. Tommy’s wife is also black in What. what the heck Druckmann cut his balls off and the beautiful The Last of Us 1″ must have ruined your story. Anita Sarkeesian wrote you another letter. I don’t even dare buy the TLOU remake for PS5. I’m pretty sure they put on gay fisting scenes with a pride parade on it. Fuck this shit. Naughty Dog has lost its grip.”

This same-sex relationships The awakened culture, with TV series and an added LGBTQ+ agenda, is consistently cited by negative criticism to make it clear without the shadow of the far-right matrix that produced them. We have reported only two examples of our own, but as you can see, there will be many viable examples, all at the same low level.

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