The Crew Motorfest and Collection Import features, new details on June 29

Team Motor Festival Will be the next hero 29 June A special showcase at 18:00 where new details about the feature will also be announced. Collection Importit was designed exactly to allow users to transfer their vehicles to the new part of the series.

The Crew Motorfest, which will be released on September 14, will allow us to explore the atmosphere. open the world Take your seat on the Hawaiian island of O’ahu and take on a range of different challenges based not only on speed, but also on acrobatics and awesomeness.

Unlocking new vehicles has always been an important aspect of The Crew experience, and as such, the Collection Import feature will be featured in the next section to allow players to import their cars and therefore continue to use them.

We tried out The Crew Motorfest in preview a few days ago, and the show the new script delivered looked really impressive, even though the game itself lacked a bit of personality.

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