Indiana Jones is a project Todd Howard has been trying to do for ten years.

Todd Howard Tried it for Bethesda Ten years implement Indiana Jones, the game is currently entrusted to Machinegames, the same as the Wolfenstein series. It was written in black and white in an email sent by Pete Hines, president of Bethesda, to Phil Spencer, head of games at Microsoft, and Matt Booty, president of Xbox Game Studios.

Hines Going further, he stated that anyone who reads the pitch of the game expresses a desire to play the game immediately.

The 2021 email appeared among documents submitted in a lawsuit between Microsoft and the US antitrust body, the Federal Trade Commission.Acquisition of Activision BlizzardWe can also read Indiana Jones’ working name: “Project Relic is an original Indiana Jones game (not related to the movies) developed by Machinegames and executive produced by Todd Howard for over a decade. If you didn’t know, Todd may be one of the biggest Indiana Jones fans on the planet. I’m not exaggerating a bit. Everyone who saw the field immediately said, “Oh my God, I have to go. Play this now.” It’s great, and we think the response to the announcement will be incredible.”

At this point we’re also wondering if we can play with him, or at least find out more as soon as possible, given that Indiana Jones has disappeared after the announcement. radar..

As recently announced, Indiana Jones will be an exclusive game for PC and Xbox Series X/S, and will also be available on Game Pass from launch.

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