Halo Infinite: Cost of Mark V armor sparks debate but results look positive

Halo Infinite finally got the expected reward Mark V armor as a purchasable item in the game but price remarkable, which failed to produce several argument but it also seems to have a certain characteristic successConsidering the results obtained.

Recently, 343 Industries reorganized the management of Halo Infinite’s cosmetic items, improving some aspects of the implementation of objects on a larger scale, but also increasing some prices, which caused quite a stir.

But the biggest controversy seems to be connected to the price of the Mark V armor, which is Halo: Combat Evolved’s typical armor and can now be purchased from the in-game store for around 22 dollars.

Sales seem to be going pretty well

Despite these criticisms, microtransactions (or “macrotransactions” in this case) appear to be performing quite well for Halo Infinite, considering it’s climbed almost 50 places in the top rankings in the last few hours. I sell games.

As it is known, since the game in question is free-to-play, its presence in the rankings depends on the game play of the players.cosmetic product purchase It seems that the Mark V armor will be among the most purchased objects at this time. Also considering the considerable price, the bulk purchasing pushed the game into the established chart for the amount of revenue, showing how prudent the team’s initiative is in terms of economic returns.

Overall, as Rebs Gaming points out, Halo Infinite has returned to very high positions in the global bestseller rankings in recent weeks, and has also achieved excellent results with the flood-inspired armor arriving at the start of Season 4.

Meanwhile, we are also waiting for the Halo 3 Refueled package, which adds 8 maps from Halo 3 to Halo Infinite and is planned to be launched on November 14, 2023.

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