Diablo 4: Blizzard is working on inventory changes as quickly as possible

By popular demand from the community, Blizzard plans a series Changes To develop inventory management related to Diablo 4however, you’ll have to be patient, as the development team wants to make sure they’re doing things right.

As you may recall, last month the studio promised changes to jewels that will no longer be stored in inventory slots, but in the materials or currencies section. Several weeks have passed since then, but this change has not yet been implemented.

As explained in the Diablo 4 livestream, which aired yesterday and revealed the release date and details of Season 1, the reason for this long wait is that the one for Gems is just one of a series of changes Blizzard has made to the inventory. These are changes that take time to design, implement and test to make sure everything works properly.

Words from the Diablo 4 team

“I’ll say right away that we’ve definitely all heard of it,” said assistant game director Joe Piepiora, in response to a fan question about the inventory space shortage. “We talk a lot about what we should do, there are some of us. very good plans to improve the situation. I know it’s frustrating to say this, but the truth is we’re moving very, very fast on this and we’re trying to get more space in the future, we’re thinking about how we’re going to do that.”

“A mistake some people make is the idea that development time is only what is needed to implement elements,” added director Rod Fergusson, “but that’s not the case: it’s also necessary to test and make sure everything is intact and sound. Stable. We have some hero engineers who can turn things around very quickly, but we also have heroic Quality Assurance teams all over the world.”

“There are many different ways to mitigate the inventory space issue – gems are an example of what we’re trying to do to start mitigating this issue,” Pierpiora continued.

“We’re trying to move very quickly on most of them. Some are much more challenging than others. But we’re moving fast on all the changes we can because we’re working hard to make the best of it. The Diablo 4 release is delivered to players as soon as possible”.

At this point, it is hoped that these changes will come with the update scheduled for July 18, based on the launch of Diablo 4’s Season of the Husks. In this context, we state that the 1.0.4 patch was released just a few hours ago. on all platforms.

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