Dead Island 2 introduces two new trailers Dani and Amy hunters –

Dead Island 2 It will allow you to control different characters and is published by the development team two new trailers To present Dani and Amy: Hunters with unique abilities that will make our expeditions on the streets of Hell-A that much more interesting.

Set in a post-apocalyptic Los Angeles, Dead Island 2 gives us a big shot. open the world and loads of resources to collect and build devastating weapons; zombie who occupied the city, massacred most of its inhabitants.

But let’s get to the point Hunterthat is, as mentioned, playable characters were presented with two new trailers. Firstly daniA County Cork marketer who loves to break the rules and hates talking to his family: an aggression that puts a strain on the undead and literally tears them apart.

Amy instead, he’s a fiercely competitive fighter, a Los Angeles athlete who loves to lead the game and hates to lose: sequences in which he fully expresses those feelings as he punches and kicks zombies or stabs them with a trident.

As you may recall, we tried Dead Island 2 last August, and received positive feedback about the gameplay, and we were a bit surprised by the seemingly solid, but not entirely clear, world structure.

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