Cyberpunk 2077: Class action lawsuit filed against CD Projekt RED for the game’s launch is over

rescue Cyberpunk 2077 It is also somewhat legally certified. closure of class action lawsuit filed vs. CD Projekt RED At launch, complaints were made by investors and users about how the developers misleadingly presented the game compared to the actual quality of the game at launch, even if this was achieved through compensation.

At the time, we were in the midst of the infamous Cyberpunk 2077 debacle: although the game was generally positively reviewed by the press, a number of absolutely significant problems arose at launch. Amid the extremely low level of quality of the previous generation versions and major shortcomings in the game compared to the announced features, CD Projekt RED’s release disaster.

Many problems caused the team to take time off refunds This situation, which distributed the sums to users who requested it, led to the removal of the game from the PlayStation Store and a moment of deep crisis for CD Projekt RED, which was also reflected in the company’s financial situation.

Class action lawsuit settled with $1.85 million settlement

A view of Cyberpunk 2077, Night City

Considering the success achieved with the various updates and improvements, and the amount of copies sold for the Phantom Liberty expansion, this all seems decidedly outdated now. Signs of this return to form include the settlement of a class-action lawsuit against the team.

But this wasn’t a cost-free cop-out on CD Projekt RED’s part: the case had progressed and the team still had to pull it off. Paid $1.85 million But through that plea bargain, the case was recently closed, the company announced this week.

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