Wreckreation is featured in a new trailer at the THQ Nordic Showcase

Debris creation he’s back to show himself with a new one trailer on occasion THQ Scandinavian Showcase Tonight is a video that lets you see more of this dazzling racing game about amazing action, crashes and crazy tracks.

This is the new game by Alex Ward, the founder of Criterion and author of the Burnout series, which causes us to see Wreckreation as the natural heir to the series in question.

But from what we can see, the game looks even crazier than the famous arcade race in question.

Wreckreation gives players a huge 400 square kilometer island free to roam, full of slopes, obstacles, jumps and more or less accessible areas, which we should try to explore using our own vehicle.

Destruction is free running and destruction

Wreckreation allows for some pretty crazy tracks

Developed by Three Fields Entertainment, Wreckreation features free-roaming action on four wheels with an advanced 3D vehicle model deformation system. accidents significantly increasing the overall awesomeness of the game action.

there are seven different mode Driving: Drift. Weather, Near Miss, Stunt, Crash and Time; each is characterized by certain rules and patterns regarding the vehicle’s response and behavior on the road. Apart from that, the game puts ample space for the player’s hands to interact with to customize the pieces and create crazy pieces through the MixWorld system.

To get to know him better, we refer you to our preview of Wreckreation, released last September.

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