Trine 5: An Automatic Conspiracy. Local co-op trailer shown at THQ Nordic Showecase

This evening on August 11, 2023, the THQ Nordic Showecase was released showing various games released by the publisher. One of them Trine 5: An Automatic Conspiracy, the next installment of the critically acclaimed puzzle platformer saga. New trailer is dedicated to local co-op mode. Trine 5: An Automatic Conspiracy Us Zoya the Thief, Amadeus the Sorceress and Pontius the Knight. All three have unique abilities and must use them to complete levels and progress. The “multi-character” nature of the game also fits co-op perfectly.

Trine 5: A Clockwork Conspiracy, details on local co-op

Trine 5: An Automatic Conspiracy

It will let you play through Trine 5: A Clockwork Conspiracy up to three friends, although there are three characters (one character is duplicated). Also, when playing with friends, the areas change with puzzles that adapt to the number of challengers to keep the progression always interesting no matter how many players are on the screen.

Of course, the game is not just a series of puzzles to be solved. In addition to the platform arrays, enemies to be defeatedincluding the bosses. Amadeus, Zoya and Pontius have unique abilities that we can use to defeat our opponents, such as creating chests with magic, wielding swords and shields with the knight, and hitting unreachable spots with thieves. arrow.

Trine 5: A Clockwork Conspiracy will be available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and Nintendo Switch starting: 31 August 2023. The official price is 29.99 €.

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