Hollow Knight: Pale Court mod available that looks like a real official DLC

After years of working together by numerous mod makers, Hollow Knight: Pale Court finally available and a mode easily passable Official DLC Because of the quality of Team Cherry’s gameplay.

It can be downloaded from Pale Court. this address and it needs Scarab mod manager to work. It focuses on “Hallownest’s greatest champions” in a sort of tournament boss offense that requires us to challenge the legends and take our place among them.

As you can see from the trailer above, it’s a really well-made mod that can be considered official content.

What is Pale Court, Hollow Knight mod?

Pale Court, on the other hand, comes from the passionate work of several modders who managed to agree and work in harmony on this beautiful piece from the famous Metroidvania. Specifically, Pale Court features five main bossesbut there seems to be another secret.

However, it’s not just a boss rush that focuses on those boss fights. In our quest for a spot among the Hallownest champions, there will also be a few other content and full-fledged content. additional story.

All this seems to fit perfectly in it. style It was built by Team Cherry for Hollow Knight, and the proprietary knowledge of the game in question is clearly highly respected. This also includes major work on the 2D drawing front, which accurately reproduces the game’s images.

With Hollow Knight: Silksong has been delayed and as there is no release date for the latter, one can console oneself with this interesting Pale Court.

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