Avatar: The Way of Water that total advance for 2 billion dollarssix weeks after its theatrical release: An important result for the film directed by James Cameron, who described this amount as necessary to cover production costs.
As we know Avatar 3, 4 and 5 are planned but it will take years to make. In any case, the extraordinary success of the film will certainly make your job easier. continue the saga and organize what is necessary for the future of the franchise.
As it stood, La Via dell’Acqua met About $600 million in the US alone and $1.43 billion in international markets. It was the second fastest movie to reach this figure after Avengers: Endgame, surpassing the original Avatar by six days shorter.
The new Avatar is the sixth most successful movie ever with $2,024 billion, but the distance that separates it from Avengers: Infinity War (2,052 billion) and Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2,071 billion) is relatively short and will come soon. There may be some surprises this week.
The challenge is clearly in the original episode, but La Via dell’Acqua is currently missing about $900 million to tackle it: a feat that may not happen, but remains highly thought-provoking.
Have you read our review of Avatar: The Water Way?